GNet - Service - IP-Public

As an internet service provider (ISP), we understand that customers, both individuals and companies, need stable, secure, and accessible internet access from anywhere. Therefore, Public IP services are here as a solution for those who need a fixed network identity and can be accessed globally via the internet.

Public IP is an IP address that can be recognized and accessed directly via the internet. Unlike Private IP, which can only be used in a local network, Public IP allows devices or servers to communicate directly with the global network without the need for a Network Address Translation (NAT) system. With Public IP, customers can access their services from anywhere, increasing flexibility and ease in managing internet-based systems.

One of the main advantages of Public IP services is its ability to support various online applications and services, including server hosting, remote access, VPN, VoIP, online CCTV, game servers, cloud computing, and IoT-based services. With Public IP, customers can access their devices or servers without local network restrictions, allowing for wider and more efficient connectivity.

In addition, Public IP also plays an important role in connection stability. In some cases, the use of Dynamic IP can cause obstacles in remote access, because the IP address changes periodically. With a static Public IP, customers can ensure that their network address remains the same, making it easier to configure the system, security, and network management.

In terms of security, the use of Public IP must be accompanied by appropriate protection measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and access authorization to prevent cyber threats such as hacking and network abuse. Therefore, we also provide technical support in managing Public IP so that it remains safe and optimally used according to customer needs.

As an experienced ISP, we provide Public IP services with reliable connectivity, low latency, and high SLA (Service Level Agreement) to ensure optimal customer network performance. This service can be integrated with various types of connections, including broadband, fiber optic, Metro Ethernet, and VPN, providing flexibility for customers in managing their IT infrastructure.

Public IP is the ideal solution for individuals and businesses that require stable, secure, and efficient global network access. We are ready to assist you with reliable and quality Public IP services, supported by a professional technical team who are ready to provide consultation and support at any time.